

Dozens are called but only one will be chosen, and usually it is the interview that makes the difference.  This guide explains how to enhance your chances and make the best of the opportunities on offer.

Key steps include:
  •  Research and preparation
  • Planning the conversation
  • Anticipating questions
  • Converting the interviewer to your agenda
  • Bargaining from a position of strength
Interviews are, when it comes to it, nothing more than conversations.  The trick is to stick to your version of the script, hold your nerve and help the interviewer see you in the best possible light.  At the end are riches and prospects for the successful, the entire rigmarole again for the unsuccessful.  Interviews shows you how to control the dialogue, make your points count and make the most of the interview experience.
Christine says:
“Unlike its sister publication Jobfinder, sadly Interviews has so far achieved no starring role on screen in either film or television.”

Interviews is now out of print.  Used copies may be available.  Buy now from Amazon by clicking on the book above.

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