

With career planning becoming more flexible, less certain and more in the hands of the individual than ever, job hunting has become an essential skill.  This guide opens up the world of work, so that you can follow a route to the job that suits you best from the widest choice available.
  • Research: finding where jobs are advertised
  • Investigation: into the employer and the job
  • Making the employer match you to a vacancy
  • Application letters and CVs: accentuating the positive
  • Interviews and negotiations: pitfalls and opportunities

Jobfinder does exactly what it says, whether you’re in search of work for the first time or considering a mid-career shift; it shows you how to find work, how to develop contacts, how to get the information you need and make it really count, how to run your career search as a professional and hard-hitting campaign.  Practical, organised, thorough, well-researched: Jobfinder delivers the workplace to you.
Christine says:
“The Guardian newspaper in the UK commissioned me to write the first two books for the launch of their new series of Guardian Careers Guides. 

With its striking, bold cover design it surprisingly found its way onto the set of the BBC’s Eastenders.  Although a non-speaking part
Jobfinder no doubt played a key role in the storyline and ensured the continuing success of the popular drama series … ahem.”

Jobfinder is now out of print.  Used copies may be available.  Buy now from Amazon by clicking on the book above.

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